
16 posts

Mark 1

Mark 1

Mark 1 – A man running naked… a deserter… eventually, a pastor… who was this man?

Mark 2

Mark 2

Mark 2 – We find three snapshots of Jesus that speak absolutely to His character and desire.  We find Him in a house teaching when suddenly the roof was…

Mark 3

Mark 3

Mark 3 – As the quote goes, “Politics makes strange bedfellows.” But this is not only the case in such an arena.  The meaning goes toward unlikely companions who…

Mark 4

Mark 4

Mark 4 – The purpose was to cause people to think.  Jesus often set the table by telling a parable which would intrigue deeper thought.  It was an invite…

Mark 5

Mark 5

Mark 5 – A Roman legion consisted of up to 6000 men. The man brought fear to the town.  More than likely they avoided the tomb area for more…

Mark 6

Mark 6

Mark 6 – Has Jesus become too familiar to us? Familiar:  one who is seen or well known from close association. We all have people in our lives we…

Mark 7

Mark 7

Mark 7 – “Are you so dull?” – Jesus BOOM!  Jesus threw it down.  Sometimes I think we’re just like the disciples here in asking questions that really He’s…

Mark 8

Mark 8

Mark 8 – We’ve all experienced it.  We get behind someone who is driving 20 mph on a 35 mph road.  Aggravated, it can be the birth of road…

Mark 9

Mark 9

Mark 9 – It was a moment of complete transparency and revelation.  Jesus took Peter, James, and John up to the mountain where right before their…

Mark 10

Mark 10

Mark 10 – Jesus is concerned about our relationships. As we are tied to relationships in this life, Jesus wants our relationships to reflect Him…

Mark 11

Mark 11

Mark 11 – False advertising.  At one point or another, we’ve all been ‘had’ by it.  We’re promised something, looks like it will do exactly what we were…

Mark 12

Mark 12

Mark 12 – If Christ is rejected, so is hope. In ancient days it was common for a person to rent a plot of land.  It was expected that…

Mark 13

Mark 13

Mark 13 – After the exile, the temple was rebuilt by Ezra and Zerubbabel.  King Herod would expand it around 19 BC.  It had been the center of Jewish…

Mark 14

Mark 14

Mark 14 – He had walked with Jesus for 3 years.  He had witnessed countless miracles and seen what real love was firsthand.  He had heard truth spoken…

Mark 15

Mark 15

Mark 15 – “…without shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.” – Hebrews 9:22 All the way back to when Adam and Eve sinned, it would be God who…

Mark 16

Mark 16

Mark 16 – “The resurrection means that the cross was the payment, and the empty tomb is the receipt, the proof that though it may have looked like He…