
82 posts

Isaiah 59

Isaiah 59

Isaiah 59 – Sin is offensive.  There, I said it.  We are so good at relegating our sins to the back burner of thought.  We insanely justify behavior that…

Isaiah 45

Isaiah 45

Isaiah 45 – 200 hundred years before the man was born, before the prophecy given – the Lord spoke to the prophet Isaiah concerning him.  A pagan king, called…

Exodus 40

Exodus 40

Exodus 40 – Over and over through this chapter we read, “… as the Lord had commanded.” Obedience plain and simple. For many chapters God laid out…

Exodus 39

Exodus 39

Exodus 39 – The details have been exact.  Each area of the Tabernacle has been carefully instructed and laid out with care by God Himself.  This went…

Exodus 38

Exodus 38

Exodus 38 – We are people who try to do it alone.  Delegation over some tasks for some is difficult. This is an area God has been working…

Exodus 37

Exodus 37

Exodus 37 – There are many key tabernacle pieces listed to be constructed under the direction of God and carried out by Bezalel.  Each had specific purpose…

Exodus 36

Exodus 36

Exodus 36 – We are nothing without the Spirit of God.  It is what is essential for us to fulfill our calling, survive our day, be strong…

Exodus 35

Exodus 35

Exodus 35 – There are specifics I pray daily.  Right before I close out my time with God, I pray directly for myself and go through the…

Exodus 34

Exodus 34

Exodus 34 – Moses had asked to see the glory of God and here we see further aspects of just that. Many times we consider the glory…

Exodus 33

Exodus 33

Exodus 33 – Spiritual hunger. How hungry are you for more of Jesus?  How much do you long for Him to be present and leading in your…

Exodus 32

Exodus 32

Exodus 32 – Excuses. We’re masters of them when it comes to being caught. Well, we’re masters of them even when not in justification….

Exodus 31

Exodus 31

Exodus 31 – Hebrew tradition Rabbinical literature states he was only 13 years old when he completed his task.  But it would be by this age he…

Exodus 30

Exodus 30

Exodus 30 – The details were exact.  Through all of these descriptions of the tabernacle and all  the furnishings God was revealing to His people this was…

Exodus 29

Exodus 29

Exodus 29 – From the beginning we get a glimpse of God’s design for sacrifice. Consecration. This word was translated ‘hallow’ and meant distinct, holy, and set…

Exodus 28

Exodus 28

Exodus 28 – God had tremendous instructions for the people as to how they were to worship Him.  This was detailed all the way down to what…

Exodus 27

Exodus 27

Exodus 27 – Most fascinating.  The Hebrew word for altar is killing place. Just this fact alone struck me.  Most churches have some form of an altar….

Exodus 26

Exodus 26

Exodus 26 – The details are astonishing.  God’s instructions for the Tabernacle are incredibly thorough down to the type of material on the curtains.  I find it…

Exodus 25

Exodus 25

Exodus 25 – For the next 6 chapters God will instruct Moses and the people with detailed directives on the building of a tabernacle. Following these will…

Exodus 24

Exodus 24

Exodus 24 – It was a moment for Israel of a solemn ceremony where they agreed to the covenant between themselves and God.  It was a moment of…

Exodus 23

Exodus 23

Exodus 23 – Exodus 23:1 NASB  “You shall not bear a false report; do not join your hand with a wicked man to be a malicious witness….

Exodus 22

Exodus 22

Exodus 22 – Upon reading these laws set by God it would seem or appear they’re pretty stringent or picky.  That is simply not the case as…

Exodus 21

Exodus 21

Exodus 21 – Everything we do has consequences.  Everything.  Whether good or bad, our decisions cause ripple effects of something else. We move into various laws given…

Exodus 20

Exodus 20

Exodus 20 – For 400 years the Israelites lived in Egypt; a land filled with many deities and gods.  Although they had kept their heritage potentially they could…

Exodus 19

Exodus 19

Exodus 19 – 3 months into their journey, after walking through the Red Sea they traveled the desert and found themselves at the foot of Mount Sinai. …

Exodus 18

Exodus 18

Exodus 18 – Jethro was not an Israelite.  Making a sudden reappearance in the story, the timing was everything.  As he was not of the Jewish race,…

Exodus 17

Exodus 17

Exodus 17 – It is possible to be in the will of God and yet be riddled with problems. Israel was on track exactly where they needed…

Exodus 16

Exodus 16

Exodus 16 – Difficult circumstances lead to stress.  More often than not, when a difficult situation inundates us, it is all we think about, talk of and even…

Exodus 15

Exodus 15

Exodus 15 – “The Lord is my strength and my song.  He has become my salvation.  The Lord is a warrior.  The Lord is His name.” -…

Exodus 14

Exodus 14

Exodus 14 – The crossing of the Israelites of the Red Sea most people know about.  And who can forget Charlton Heston as Moses in the epic…

Exodus 13

Exodus 13

Exodus 13 – We want to get from here to there in the least amount of time possible.  We’re wired that way I think, or at least…

Exodus 12

Exodus 12

Exodus 12 – There are many aspects to the instructions given to the people of Israel as the final act of God’s power was about to hit…

Exodus 11

Exodus 11

Exodus 11 – Let’s revisit a moment earlier in Moses’ calling.  If you recall, when God showed up at the burning bush it was a moment of…

Exodus 10

Exodus 10

Exodus 10 – The continued hardening of Pharaoh’s heart had also blinded him to the living God.  Destruction beyond what was even imagined had come in waves. …

Exodus 9

Exodus 9

Exodus 9 – Patience and obedience – 2 words that are challenges for any of us.  People say, ‘Don’t pray for patience because God will throw you…

Exodus 8

Exodus 8

Exodus 8 – Plagues rained down heavily upon the Egyptians due to Pharaoh’s hard heart.  What began with the Nile turning to blood, was followed by frogs,…

Exodus 7

Exodus 7

Exodus 7 – The hardening of Pharaoh’s heart was something God had reminded Moses of time and time again…

Exodus 6

Exodus 6

Exodus 6 – There are many times God calls us to a task far greater than we believe can be accomplished.  Just think of the prayers you…

Exodus 5

Exodus 5

Exodus 5 – To get a better idea of how daring the entire request Moses made to Pharaoh was, it’s important to understand the thinking and theology of…

Exodus 4

Exodus 4

Exodus 4 – Sometimes God calls us back to the very places we have fled or even were delivered from.  Now, hear me out on this.  We…

Exodus 3

Exodus 3

Exodus 3 – “Where can I go from Your Spirit?  Where can I flee from Your presence?” – Psalm 139:7 40 years of Moses’ life he was…

Exodus 2

Exodus 2

Exodus 2 – Even in the highest oppression, God has a plan.  Hang on to that thought if you are currently struggling and questioning what is transpiring. …

Exodus 1

Exodus 1

Exodus 1 – Affliction brings 2 results:  Growth or Resignation. As the magnificent story of the Israelites freedom from Egyptian bondage unravels through the book of Exodus,…

Judges 8

Judges 8

Judges 8 – Warren Wiersbe observes, “Gideon’s choosing to avenge himself could have been the beginning of his backsliding.” Gideon’s story continues with interesting events that follow after the…

Judges 2

Judges 2

Judges 2 – The stage is set. The unraveling of Israel is about to take place as leaders would rise and lead people forward.  When the leader passed, the…

Joshua 3

Joshua 3

Joshua 3 – “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.”– Joshua 3:5 My gosh, I love this statement Joshua made to the people on the…

Joshua 2

Joshua 2

Joshua 2 – Joshua was a man of strong leadership. He had been trained for this moment by God and through Moses. He had accompanied him partway up the…

Joshua 1

Joshua 1

Joshua 1 – For 40 years the Israelites had wandered throughout the desert. It wasn’t because they were following their leader – far from it…

Matthew 27

Matthew 27

Matthew 27 – Four miraculous events took place at Jesus’ death.  Darkness came upon the land. The curtain in the temple was torn in two. …

Proverbs 1

Proverbs 1

Proverbs 1 – Knowledge is good but without wisdom used to applying what we’ve learned and living it, it is useless. He was the third king of Israel, David’s…

2 Samuel 13

2 Samuel 13

2 Samuel 13 – Like father, like son – so the saying goes. In this case, like father, likes sons. The unraveling of David’s household is revealed…

1 Kings 19

1 Kings 19

1 Kings 19 – “Elijah failed in the very point at which he was strongest, and that is where most men fail. In Scripture, it is the…

James 2

James 2

James 2 – Salvation arrives by the amazing and most abundant grace given through Jesus. All of our faults, all of our struggles, and all of our sins do…

John 10

John 10

John 10 – A shepherd’s job is quite a task. They have the responsibility of making sure their sheep are safe; must know how many they have…

John 8

John 8

John 8 – They set a trap. The teachers and Pharisees thought they had Jesus cornered as they first baited the woman to commit…

Esther 3

Esther 3

Esther 3 – Every story and needs a villain and here we have a doozy of an individual. Haman the Agagite, serves the king. He’s also a…

Nehemiah 5

Nehemiah 5

Nehemiah 5 – The work stopped. On the tail end of such a great victory when the people were motivated, working alongside one another to…

Amos 7

Amos 7

Amos 7 – This chapter looks like a story right out of Jeremiah’s life. The prophet Amos has 3 visions – locusts, fire, and plumb line.  Representing God’s destruction…

Psalm 149

Psalm 149

Psalm 149 – Psalm 149 – Psalms 149:1 NASB  Praise the LORD! Sing to the LORD a new song, And His praise in the congregation of the godly ones…

Psalm 134

Psalm 134

Psalm 134 – Psalm 134 – It was a very small group of men who had a very important task. The Levite and priest establishment is found in the book of Exodus….

Psalm 118

Psalm 118

Psalm 118 – “When I think about the Lord How He saved me how He raised me How He filled me with the Holy Ghost How He healed me…

Psalm 97

Psalm 97

Psalm 97 – The holiness of God is great and vast.  When God appeared on Mount Sinai it was always marked by a thick cloud on the mountain and…

Psalm 91

Psalm 91

Psalm 91 – God has a secret place for His own.  It is a place to live and dwell in.  It is a place where hope is found.  It…

Psalms 32

Psalm 32

Psalm 32 – Confession is an admittance of wrong.  It is owning up to what we’ve done with “The Blame Game” put away.  Confession is not making excuses. With…

Deuteronomy 31

Deuteronomy 31

Deuteronomy 31 – Moses was 120 years old. From the snatching him from the waters of the Nile as a baby to the running the palace halls of Pharaoh,…

Deuteronomy 25

Deuteronomy 25

Deuteronomy 25 – Most of the battles we face or wage are not of our choosing.  They come at the most unexpected moments and prove to each of us…

Deuteronomy 22

Deuteronomy 22

Deuteronomy 22 – “Finders keepers, losers weepers” or so the childhood rhyme goes. In so many ways, God’s laws were practical.  His purpose was for His people to exercise…

Deuteronomy 6

Deuteronomy 6

Deuteronomy 6 – Growing up, the dinner table was a time when all things ceased for the day.  No matter what our personal schedule may have been, it was…

Deuteronomy 5

Deuteronomy 5

Deuteronomy 5 – Moses spent quite a bit of time reviewing Israel’s history for them.  Now he reminded them of the Laws God had established for them in order…

Number 16

Numbers 16

Numbers 16 – His name and story within the unfolding of Israel’s struggles is one of the most dramatic.  Part of the Levite tribe, Korah was not satisfied with…

Numbers 10

Numbers 10

Numbers 10 – I cannot imagine the task Moses had in leading.  Here he was with 100’s of 1000’s and way upward and beyond in numbers, leading all of…

Numbers 8

Numbers 8

Numbers 8 – Entering into any darkened place, a lamp is required to see properly.  We can certainly fumble around in the dark or shadows but truly we cannot…

Numbers 3

Numbers 3

Numbers 3 – God, being that of order and organization, began to give assignments to the people.  First on deck were the Levites.  This makes sense as the tabernacle was…

Numbers 1

Numbers 1

Numbers 1 – Complaining – it gets you nowhere.  In fact, if we’re honest it will get you stuck.  This is exactly what the book of Numbers records.  The…

Song of Solomon 1

Song of Solomon 1

Song of Solomon 1 – David’s son Solomon took the throne after his father.  Asking for wisdom and discernment to lead the people, God granted him these things and…

Ezekiel 41

Ezekiel 41

Ezekiel 41 – Ezekiel’s vision continues with focus upon the Temple. When the tabernacle was planned out by God and given to Moses in Exodus 26, although so much…

Leviticus 23

Leviticus 23

Leviticus 23 – There were 7 feasts God set in place for the Israelite’s.  They involved celebration, worship and community with one another.  These were distinctly different than any…

Leviticus 1

Leviticus 1

Leviticus 1 – The book of Leviticus is not an easy read.  Almost like a handbook for the priests and Levites, it gives a snapshot of what their duties…

Revelation 10

Revelation 10

Revelation 10 – “God reigns over the nations; God is seated on his holy throne.” – Psalms 47:8 There is nothing that happens in this world, in this…

Revelation 9

Revelation 9

Revelation 9 – I want you to think of someone in your life, someone you know who does not know Jesus. Someone who actually is not even remotely interested…

Revelation 6

Revelation 6

Revelation 6 – For many believers, Revelation 6 is the Continental Divide – meaning, from this point on in the book of Revelation, there are different theological perspectives as to how the end times will unfold…

2 Chronicles 22

2 Chronicles 22

2 Chronicles 22 – Who speaks into your life? Who is it that you turn to for advice and counsel? Are there those who you look toward that may not…

1 Chronicles 21

1 Chronicles 21

1 Chronicles 21 – Numbers. We often can be caught up in the measurement of success by how much or how many things we have. Obviously, we…