
61 posts

Isaiah 51

Isaiah 51

Isaiah 51 – Have you ever stood in the waters of a lake or river where the ground beneath was not solid?  The strange muck at the bottom acts…

Exodus 17

Exodus 17

Exodus 17 – It is possible to be in the will of God and yet be riddled with problems. Israel was on track exactly where they needed…

Judges 18

Judges 18

Judges 18 – During the taking of the land under Joshua, the Danites were given land to meet their needs.  However, this tribe failed to follow God’s direction and…

Judges 17

Judges 17

Judges 17 – It is the strangest of stories.  Judges 17 sets the table for the remaining chapters with Israel’s moral decline and the people following their own ways…

Judges 15

Judges 15

Judges 15 – Samson continued to act within the flesh.  Driven by his own wants and desires, when things didn’t go his way, he took matters into his own…

Judges 12

Judges 12

Judges 12 – We all have them in our lives.  They are the most challenging people.  Chronic complainers never see anything good; always go for the worst scenario; they…

Judges 2

Judges 2

Judges 2 – The stage is set. The unraveling of Israel is about to take place as leaders would rise and lead people forward.  When the leader passed, the…

Judges 1

Judges 1

Judges 1 – What began under Moses would be carried by his successor Joshua.  The land of Canaan would become the land of the Israelites.  The book of Judges…

Ezra 5

Ezra 5

Ezra 5 – There are times when it feels like nothing is happening.  There are other times when it feels like God’s purposes and ways have been sidelined.  We…

Joshua 23

Joshua 23

Joshua 23 – Joshua’s time on earth and as a leader was coming to an end.  He had brilliantly fulfilled the plans and leadership God had given to him. …

Joshua 24

Joshua 24

Joshua 24 – The book of Joshua opens with a new leader filling Moses’ role and facing an impossible task.  The book ends with that task completed as Joshua’s…

Joshua 22

Joshua 22

Joshua 22 – We all have those times when we jump to conclusions.  We hear something not very favorable about people and we make up our mind based on…

Joshua 21

Joshua 21

Joshua 21 – “Not one of the good promises which the Lord had made to the house of Israel failed; all came to pass.” – Joshua 21:45 What a…

Joshua 20

Joshua 20

Joshua 20 – God had preplanned many things and instructed Moses as to how the government of this new nation of Israel should function.  One of these was the…

Joshua 19

Joshua 19

Joshua 19 – The final division of the land is done. All tribes have been given land to make their home. On some levels, the reading of the division…

Joshua 18

Joshua 18

Joshua 18 – Joshua 18:3 Joshua said to the children of Israel, “How long will you neglect to go in to possess the land, which Yahweh, the God…

Joshua 17

Joshua 17

Joshua 17 – There is an interesting comparison to be noted in the attitudes of the different tribes and the division of land.  With Caleb, he took what was…

Joshua 16

Joshua 16

Joshua 16 – It’s an interesting thought to ponder. The tribes of Joseph were given land but not titled in the 12 Tribes as a whole.  Joseph did not…

Joshua 15

Joshua 15

Joshua 15 – As the allotment of the land for Judah takes place, Caleb makes another appearance. Be it ever so brief we read of his brother Othniel. After…

Joshua 14

Joshua 14

Joshua 14 – Caleb was one of the 12 men alongside Joshua when over 40 years before had gone into the land to spy out what awaited the people…

Joshua 13

Joshua 13

Joshua 13 – “Now Joshua was old and advanced in years when the Lord said to him, “You are old and advanced in years, and very much of the…

Joshua 12

Joshua 12

Joshua 12 – It reads as an exhaustive list. In fact, to us who were not involved in the battle of taking of the land, we are probably apt…

Joshua 11

Joshua 11

Joshua 11 – The taking of the land was a bloody and brutal series of wars.  In each instance, God was incredibly clear to Joshua as to what he…

Joshua 10

Joshua 10

Joshua 10 – Throughout the Israelites taking of their new land we see Joshua’s integrity and faith. He was called to victory and acted upon it. When the kings…

Joshua 9

Joshua 9

Joshua 9 – They were a people living in Canaan. As Israel had conquered two cities, news brought terror far and wide. Deception would be the tactic the people…

Joshua 8

Joshua 8

Joshua 8 – With the failure behind them, having cleansed the camp of Achan and his sin, Joshua readied the people for their second attempt at taking Ai. The…

Joshua 7

Joshua 7

Joshua 7 – The Israelites went from an extreme high to the very depth of low. The unfolding of the story of Jericho was astounding as they conquered the…

Joshua 6

Joshua 6

Joshua 6 – The Canaanites considered Jericho invincible. Built thousands of years before Joshua, it was one of the oldest cities of the world and a fortress. The walls…

Joshua 5

Joshua 5

Joshua 5 – The Israelites spent 40 years in the desert because they were terrified of the Canaanites. They foolishly doubted God’s ability to do for them what He…

Joshua 4

Joshua 4

Joshua 4 – It almost seems like a pause. The entire nation of Israel had crossed over the Jordan River and didn’t move any further. There was an act…

Joshua 3

Joshua 3

Joshua 3 – “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.”– Joshua 3:5 My gosh, I love this statement Joshua made to the people on the…

Joshua 2

Joshua 2

Joshua 2 – Joshua was a man of strong leadership. He had been trained for this moment by God and through Moses. He had accompanied him partway up the…

Joshua 1

Joshua 1

Joshua 1 – For 40 years the Israelites had wandered throughout the desert. It wasn’t because they were following their leader – far from it…

Matthew 7

Matthew 7

Matthew 7 – As Jesus finishes His sermon, He has done a remarkable thing.  He’s taken the Law and made it practical or deeply personal.  Often in…

2 Samuel 21

2 Samuel 21

2 Samuel 21 – It is the strangest of stories. Israel was under a 3 year famine and it fell back to a sin of Saul that…

2 Samuel 5

2 Samuel 5

2 Samuel 5 – Waiting. We all hate it. When waiting on the timing of God, it can seem like the most excruciating amount of time. We…

1 Samuel 27

1 Samuel 27

1 Samuel 27 – “David said to himself…” David was tired. He had been on the run for months stretching into years. Empty promises…

1 Samuel 1

1 Samuel 1

1 Samuel 1 – The ache of sorrow finds its ways to the deepest parts of our hearts. When it comes, we feel it as we breathe…

2 Kings 2

2 Kings 2

2 Kings 2 – It is a story of amazing commitment and determination in a relationship. Elijah was about to be taken to heaven and his…

John 17

John 17

John 17 – There’s a beautiful prayer Jesus prayed that last night of His earthly life. It was a prayer for his disciples. He prayed over them…

Esther 9

Esther 9

Esther 9 – The day arrived. The irreversible edict Haman connived and duped the king to sign had come. The edict King Xerxes approved…

Nehemiah 9

Nehemiah 9

Nehemiah 9 – “But You are a God of forgiveness, gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in lovingkindness; and You did not…

Zechariah 6

Zechariah 6

Zechariah 6 – The horse’s hooves hit the ground hard, riding with all their might.  Saddled behind were chariots holding four spirits going out…

Zechariah 3

Zechariah 3

Zechariah 3 – It’s one of the most fascinating and disturbing pictures. Satan had dressed Joshua the high priest in filthy rags and brought him…

Haggai 1

Haggai 1

Haggai 1 – Many times we bankrupt our lives. We pursue things that are unfulfilling; invest in things that hold no return; waste and squander…

Daniel 2

Daniel 2

Daniel 2 – It was an impossible situation. King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream he couldn’t remember. All he knew was when he woke up he was terrified. Calling all…

1 Corinthians 10

1 Corinthians 10

1 Corinthians 10 – “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” –George Santayana The Life of Reason 1905 Paul brings a history 101…

Psalm 128

Psalm 128

Psalm 128 – “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” – Joshua 24:15 There are many thoughts about leadership out there.  When a leader leads…

Deuteronomy 31

Deuteronomy 31

Deuteronomy 31 – Moses was 120 years old. From the snatching him from the waters of the Nile as a baby to the running the palace halls of Pharaoh,…

Deuteronomy 25

Deuteronomy 25

Deuteronomy 25 – Most of the battles we face or wage are not of our choosing.  They come at the most unexpected moments and prove to each of us…

Deuteronomy 19

Deuteronomy 19

Deuteronomy 19 – God established a remarkable thing for the people of Israel.  In all of His plans for the future, He knew the hearts of humankind, the wickedness…

Deuteronomy 3

Deuteronomy 3

Deuteronomy 3 – There are many instances on this journey where what looms in the future seems impossible to overcome.  This is seen in the practicals of life as…

Numbers 32

Numbers 32

Numbers 32 – Numbers 32 – Perhaps he jumped to conclusions.  I mean we all do this don’t we?  We hear a bit of information without the full story and make an…

Numbers 26

Numbers 26

Numbers 26 – By the numbers – thus the book title!  As always there is more to the story than what is seen even through a census.  For the…

Numbers 20

Numbers 20

Numbers 20 – We all should be working ourselves out of a job.  Genuine and true mentorship is taking someone alongside through all the ins and outs of what…

Number 16

Numbers 16

Numbers 16 – His name and story within the unfolding of Israel’s struggles is one of the most dramatic.  Part of the Levite tribe, Korah was not satisfied with…

Numbers 13

Numbers 13

Numbers 13 – “It’s awesome, but…” In essence this was the report back from the spies.  God had faithfully called the people to go forward.  Moses brilliantly put together…

Numbers 11

Numbers 11

Numbers 11 – Complaining.  I’m telling you what, I am sick and tired of it.  This is the grumbling that takes place when something doesn’t go according to what…

Revelation 11

Revelation 11

Revelation 11 – In a mere 11 verses, there are incredible twists, populated by fantastic creatures and people with superpowers.This section alone is one of the most difficult chapters…

1 Chronicles 7

1 Chronicles 7

1 Chronicles 7 – There is an unseen war of which we wage and battle every single day. Chapter 7 records interesting statements throughout”…

1 Chronicles 2

1 Chronicles 2

1 Chronicles 2 – “Here lies good old Fred – A great big rock fell on his head.” “Here lies a man named Martin – The lights…