
44 posts

Philippians 3

Philippians 3

Philippians 3 – I had a friend who used to say, “If you’re green, you’ll grow. If you’re ripe, you’ll rot.” I am sometimes baffled by a lack of…

Judges 19

Judges 19

Judges 19 – In a horrifying scene of events, we get a picture for just how bad it has gotten within Israel. It would not be as surprising to…

Joshua 11

Joshua 11

Joshua 11 – The taking of the land was a bloody and brutal series of wars.  In each instance, God was incredibly clear to Joshua as to what he…

Joshua 9

Joshua 9

Joshua 9 – They were a people living in Canaan. As Israel had conquered two cities, news brought terror far and wide. Deception would be the tactic the people…

Proverbs 1

Proverbs 1

Proverbs 1 – Knowledge is good but without wisdom used to applying what we’ve learned and living it, it is useless. He was the third king of Israel, David’s…

1 Samuel 21

1 Samuel 21

1 Samuel 21 – David the fugitive; David the man on the run; he resorts to lying to seek protection. It is the strangest story here as…

1 Kings 8

1 Kings 8

1 Kings 8 – It was the moment the Israelites had longed for – the completion of the Temple. For hundreds of years they had worshiped…

Genesis 30

Genesis 30

Genesis 30 – It was an insane competition. Almost like a poker game, the 2 wives of Jacob negotiated who would sleep with him and upped…

Nehemiah 5

Nehemiah 5

Nehemiah 5 – The work stopped. On the tail end of such a great victory when the people were motivated, working alongside one another to…

Psalms 53

Psalm 53

Psalm 53 – What does the rejection of God look like? Some would point toward the atheist who has concluded there is not a God of the universe who…

Deuteronomy 5

Deuteronomy 5

Deuteronomy 5 – Moses spent quite a bit of time reviewing Israel’s history for them.  Now he reminded them of the Laws God had established for them in order…

Numbers 1

Numbers 1

Numbers 1 – Complaining – it gets you nowhere.  In fact, if we’re honest it will get you stuck.  This is exactly what the book of Numbers records.  The…

Ezekiel 47

Ezekiel 47

Ezekiel 47 – It’s such a fascinating picture.  Ezekiel saw a river running from the temple.  Going from ankle deep to eventually deep enough to…

Ezekiel 5

Ezekiel 5

Ezekiel 5 – The Law was clear: “You shall not round off the side-growth of your heads nor harm the edges of your beard.” – Leviticus 19:27 “They shall…

Leviticus 27

Leviticus 27

Leviticus 27 – The book of Leviticus has been an eye-opener.  Often avoided by many as it’s law after law, it’s been refreshing to dig in and consider the…

Leviticus 26

Leviticus 26

Leviticus 26 – It comes down two choices:  The path of obedience or the path of disobedience. God made it very clear to the Israelite’s then and these thoughts…

Leviticus 25

Leviticus 25

Leviticus 25 – “When you enter the land I am going to give you…” It’s a fascinating opening to consider the people have not entered the Promised Land.  God…

Leviticus 24

Leviticus 24

Leviticus 24 – The Facts – The only light in the tabernacle came from lamps that were meticulously kept filled with oil and continually burning.  The wicks trimmed they…

Leviticus 23

Leviticus 23

Leviticus 23 – There were 7 feasts God set in place for the Israelite’s.  They involved celebration, worship and community with one another.  These were distinctly different than any…

Leviticus 22

Leviticus 22

Leviticus 22 – “Because the Old Covenant was a covenant of shadows and types, pointing to the glory of the New Covenant (Colossians 2:16-17; Hebrews 8:4-5; Hebrews 10:1), the…

Leviticus 21

Leviticus 21

Leviticus 21 – The priesthood was a deliberate calling and for the Israelite’s had to come from the tribe of Levi, the family of Aaron.  They held many responsibilities…

Leviticus 20

Leviticus 20

Leviticus 20 – God’s view of sin is strong, the punishment severe.  This is evident in how God tells the people of Israel to respond to sin in the…

Leviticus 19

Leviticus 19

Leviticus 19 – “One of them, a lawyer, asked Him a question, testing Him, 36 “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” 37 And He said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord…

Leviticus 18

Leviticus 18

Leviticus 18 – Having set the sacrificial system in place of the forgiveness of sins being offered, now God turns toward what it looks like for them to live…

Leviticus 17

Leviticus 17

Leviticus 17 – What can wash away our sin? “The life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for…

Leviticus 16

Leviticus 16

Leviticus 16 – It was ultimate day of the year when it came to Israel and their sacrifices.  The Day of Atonement, known as Yom Kippur, was when a…

Leviticus 15

Leviticus 15

Leviticus 15 – Reading this chapter on discharges making both man and woman unclean is hard to grasp why this was addressed.  These are natural things that happen.  These…

Leviticus 14

Leviticus 14

Leviticus 14 – In great detail, God instructs the priests how to handle and as one commentary states, cleansing a leper or his home.  These laws and instructions are…

Leviticus 13

Leviticus 13

Leviticus 13 – Better safe than sorry.  This was the tactic when dealing with skin diseases in the ancient world.  In fact, the Hebrew nation was the first to…

Leviticus 12

Leviticus 12

Leviticus 12 – Sex is not a dirty thing.  Let’s look just a moment at what He said during creation: “God created mankind in His own image, in the…

Leviticus 11

Leviticus 11

Leviticus 11 – At first glance, the listing of unclean and clean animals of which God spoke about seems to us a bit much.  Certainly, there are animals on…

Leviticus 10

Leviticus 10

Leviticus 10 – It may have been the hardest day of Aaron’s life.  He watched as his sons did not fulfill the duties as priests and were burned up…

Leviticus 9

Leviticus 9

Leviticus 9 – For an entire week, Aaron and his sons were in the tabernacle preparing themselves for the unveiling of the priesthood set up by God.  In the…

Leviticus 8

Leviticus 8

Leviticus 8 – God spoke.  Moses followed. The detailed instructions were carried out by Moses who heard firsthand as to the ceremony and purification of the priests.  On every…

Leviticus 7

Leviticus 7

Leviticus 7 – In the late 70’s Henry Smith wrote a simple song that took off in the 80’s.  Give Thanks was simple but profound in they lyrics that…

Leviticus 6

Leviticus 6

Leviticus 6 – The role of the priest in the offerings and sacrifices are laid out concerning each one offered.  Their procedure was very detailed as to what they…

Leviticus 5

Leviticus 5

Leviticus 5 – Regret is not the same as repentance. Often there are things we do of which we regret.  We regret we made choices that brought harm to…

Leviticus 4

Leviticus 4

Leviticus 4 – Have you ever thought about the difference between intentional and unintentional sin? It’s a subject worth considering as, for most of us, we have possibly never…

Leviticus 3

Leviticus 3

Leviticus 3 – We long for peace.  We want it in our daily lives with one another.  We desire it when we’re looking to make a decision.  Many times…

Leviticus 2

Leviticus 2

Leviticus 2 – Alongside the burnt offering a grain offering was given.  It was a symbol of thanks to God for the food He had provided and a reminder…

Leviticus 1

Leviticus 1

Leviticus 1 – The book of Leviticus is not an easy read.  Almost like a handbook for the priests and Levites, it gives a snapshot of what their duties…

Revelation 21

Revelation 21

Revelation 21 – We all have our share of sorrows and heartaches. We all have experienced the unending trials at time. We all have sat in the ashes…

Revelation 4

Revelation 4

Revelation 4 – There is a throne where the Lord God Almighty sits. It is a room where every thought is made right; every act of betrayal is redeemed. It…

1 Chronicles 9

1 Chronicles 9

1 Chronicles 9 – Let’s say you have an important meeting. It’s one you’ve anticipated with another about a project or even a heartfelt conversation. You’ve set…