
10 posts

Galatians 2

Galatians 2

Galatians 2 – The tension was high.  I was a missionary attending an English speaking congregation and was actively involved in some ministries.  An all church meeting was called…

Jude 1

Jude 1

Jude 1 – He grew up in the household of Jesus. He knew him through and through. His brother James would eventually become the leader of the early church….

Matthew 24

Matthew 24

Matthew 24 – It began as a random observation by the disciples which turned into quite a teaching of end times and Jesus’ return in all His…

Titus 3

Titus 3

Titus 3 – Now isn’t this an interesting way to end a letter? Reading and rereading this final chapter of Paul’s letter to Titus it seems to be fitting though.

Titus 2

Titus 2

Titus 2 – Life is hard. Relationships are difficult. This is particularly true when we feel attacked or under the gun of some situation…

Titus 1

Titus 1

Titus 1 – Titus was a Greek Believer. Originally a listener to Paul’s message, he embraced it and was taken under Paul’s wing. In time he stood before the…

Deuteronomy 2

Deuteronomy 2

Deuteronomy 2 – Even in the desert, the place Israel’s rebellion had led them, God still looked out for His people. This is quite a statement.  It’s actually astounding…

Acts 28

Acts 28

Acts 28 – For 3 months Paul and his companions stayed on the island of Malta after the shipwreck before they were able to complete the journey…

Acts 15

Acts 15

Acts 15 – The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing. Conflict.  We would rather run as far away as we could rather…

Jeremiah 19

Jeremiah 19

Jeremiah 19 – His words would make the peoples ears tingle.  Coming destruction was upon them due to the hardness of their heart, much like the final product of…